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Seafood Pappardelle

Before I started making my own Alfredo sauce, creamy pastas were not for me. They felt very heavy and I felt way too full way too quickly. But with 5 ingredients, you can make a DELICIOUS and light Alfredo sauce in 10 minutes, about the same amount of time it takes to heat up a pre-made jar of Alfredo sauce. You won’t regret making your own, I promise you. In this recipe, I show you how to make everything yourself, from scratch, including your pasta. For the love of seafood, I made this a seafood pasta and I think you should too.


Fresh Pasta

4 eggs

450 grams flour



20 fresh shrimp, uncooked

20 fresh medium scallops, uncooked

½ cup Butter

1 ½ cups Whipping Cream (35%)

2 cloves Garlic

Chopped Parsley (or Italian Seasoning)

1-2 cups Parmigiano-Reggiano

Salt and Pepper



On a clean counter, put all your flour in a pile and make a well in the middle. Crack your eggs in and add your salt.

With a fork, slowly start to beat your eggs and gradually add flour into the beaten egg mixture. With your free hand, ensure the walls of your flour well remain so the egg mixture doesn’t spill out over the top too early.

Once you’ve created a thick paste, start to collapse your flour walls while continuing to mix. You can start to use your hands now. Work your flour in until you start to form a dough ball.

Depending on the size of your eggs, you may find this mixture to be dry (this only happens to me when I don’t buy XL eggs). In this case, it’s okay to add a few drops of water to moisten it up and help it combine.

Once all of your flour is combined and you’ve kneaded your dough ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for an hour.

After it’s rest, split the pasta dough in 4 so it’s easier to work with. If using a pasta roller, roll your pasta through the lowest setting twice, before increasing to the next. Then continue rolling out your pasta until you’ve reached your desired thickness. On the kitchen-aid stand mixer, I go to a 6 thickness for everything but lasagna noodles.

Once your pasta is in long sheets, cut them to your desired pasta shape. I almost always prefer a pappardelle noodle when making fresh pasta.

Once they’re cut, lay them between two clean dish towels until you’re ready to boil them.

If you’ve rolled out to a 6 thickness, you’ll only need to boil your pasta for about 3 minutes before adding it to your sauce.

Alfredo Sauce with Shrimp and Scallops

Melt half of your butter in a pan and add a dash of olive oil to ensure your butter doesn’t burn. Cook your shrimp first, about 2 minutes on each side. When they’re ready, they’ll be bright pink. Remove them with a slotted spoon and then cook your scallops, about 3 minutes on each side depending on the size of your scallops. They should start to brown just a little. Once they’re done, remove with a slotted spoon.

Add the rest of your butter into the pan and start to cook your garlic. You don’t want your garlic to brown, you just want to fry it until it’s nice and fragrant, about 1 minute.

Whisk in your cream and grated parm and let it cook until it’s nice and thick, about 5 minutes. You don’t have to stir constantly, but you definitely need to watch it.

Once it’s at the right Alfredo consistency, add you chopped parsley in, salt and pepper, stir and turn off the heat. Add your cooked pasta, a small amount of pasta water and your seafood back into the pan and mix until combined.

Serve with additional parm and parsley.

If you're more of a visual person, check out the video below illustrating the recipe step-by-step with tips and tricks peppered in. Video Length: 6:44


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